Wednesday, March 25, 2009

wow I feel like a million bucks

since the last time i wrote i have meet like one trilling people and it has been so moving for me to know that there is so many people out there that follow the Lord and I know i can do a better job then what i was doing. This past week I was blessed with a cance to work with a group of kids in building a second floor on a school and that was tuching to see all the kids in school and there williness to help. any way i have so much to say and i cant wait to tell all when i get home

One Love

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hello all I now finally have a couple minuntes to maybe post some pictures and do a little type up. If you see any spelling mistakes just skip past them I am one of the worst in the world. First off all everything is well with my health. I have been here just over a week and my partener when I first got here has left today, he was like a opa to me. He's a 77 year old retird electrian, named marion from the USA.

Well the first whole week I was here we were working on all the electrical stuff in CRWM's office. We had to change out a panel which was cemented in the wall. We then cleaned up all the light switches and recepticales(full of concert). We also fixed random things in the shop which is right next to the office and were I sleep and eat(really well)! We also built some church benches and installed them in a very very small church in the middle of no were.(sorry no pic forgot camera).

So far this week I have been putting up walls with steel studs and and running wire in them, and a little bit of panting which there will be more of this week. The weather is also real nice like 25-27 at night we got a little rain twice but that is all. Church is cool lots of singing and talking but I can understand none of it, still very moving mind you.

Miss you all and I hope all the pictures work for you if not sorry this is the first time I have ever done this. Miss you all, praying for you all, thank everyone for making this possible.

~Justin Noort.

Friday, February 20, 2009